Optimized Design Experience (ODE) and the benefits for users

Optimized Design Experience (ODE) and the benefits for users

With the intro­duction of the Optimized Design Experience (ODE), SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) has ushered in a new era in the creation of reports and dashboards. The ODE combines the advan­tages of the previous Story and Analytic Appli­cation and offers users a number of impro­ve­ments that make working with SAC more efficient, flexible and colla­bo­rative. The advan­tages of the ODE are explained in detail below.

Simpli­fi­cation and flexi­bility

The ODE offers a simplified yet flexible environment for creating reports and dashboards. Users can now switch between a simple Story mode and an advanced developer mode, depending on which functions they need. This enables depart­ments to start creating reports and have developers add scripting if necessary. The ODE enables depart­ments to create their reports independently and, if necessary, to call on the expertise of developers to use extended functions. This promotes personal respon­si­bility and relieves the burden on IT and developers, as a specialist is not required for every adjus­tment.

Enhanced colla­bo­ration

The ODE enables users to colla­borate better. The ability to switch between different modes facili­tates colla­bo­ration between depart­ments and developers. Depart­ments can create their reports independently and, if necessary, call on the expertise of developers to use advanced functions. The improved colla­bo­ration is also supported by the new functions of the ODE, which enable better commu­ni­cation and under­standing of the needs of the department.

Advanced functions

The ODE brings all the functions of the Analytic Appli­ca­tions into the Story environment, including the full and partially extended scripting API and the ability to customize the design using CSS. This opens up new possi­bi­lities for visua­lizing and inter­acting with data. Users can now use all widgets and objects in the story, making the creation of reports and dashboards even more versatile. The complete and partially extended scripting API and the ability to adapt the design using CSS offer additional flexi­bility and custo­mization options.

Incre­asing efficiency

The integration of Story and Analytic Appli­cation in the ODE elimi­nates unnecessary dupli­cation of work. Users no longer have to switch between different tools, but can use all the functions they need in a uniform environment. This saves time and increases efficiency when creating reports and dashboards. The ODE enables depart­ments to create their reports independently and, if necessary, have developers add scripting, which increases efficiency because the work does not have to start from scratch when extended functions are required.

Future-oriented development

The ODE is an example of the conti­nuous development and optimization of the SAC. SAP invests heavily in improving the platform to provide users with the best tools for their work. The ODE is a step towards a future-oriented, integrated and user-friendly analytics platform. The ODE takes into account the needs of different user groups and will not only have far-reaching effects on reporting, dashboarding and planning in the future, but will also indirectly influence board­rooms, data analyzers and other SAC areas.


The Optimized Design Experience in the SAP Analytics Cloud represents a signi­ficant advancement that funda­men­tally changes the way users create reports and dashboards. The ODE offers a simplified, flexible and efficient environment that improves colla­bo­ration and optimizes the user experience. Users can look forward to a platform that is conti­nuously evolving and adapting to their needs.

Our SAP consulting house offers compre­hensive support in the imple­men­tation and optimization of user-friendly and efficient SAP design solutions that improve your business processes. Benefit from tailor-made SAP consulting to optimally implement your design requi­re­ments.