SAP Custom Development
CustoÂmized Software Extensions and new DeveloÂpÂments
The standard solutions provided by SAP SE cover a broad solution space. However, in many cases, not all customer requiÂreÂments can be taken into account in the SAP standard. To cover these requiÂreÂments, extension points can be utilized, objects can be extended, or proprietary develoÂpÂments can be made.
Process ExtenÂsions
Due to the extension possiÂbiÂlities offered by SAP systems, processes can be extended in many places. Data can thus be adapted or made available for subseÂquent processes.
Custom Development
Your own processes can be impleÂmented holistiÂcally from the database to the UI, either classiÂcally, following the ABAP Programming Model for SAP Fiori, or using the RESTful ABAP Programming Model.
Support in Operation
During the life cycle of in-house develoÂpÂments, it may be necessary to make adjusÂtÂments or correcÂtions.
Agile RequiÂreÂments Management
In addition to development, another core aspect of development projects is the recording, underÂstanding and management of requiÂreÂments. Be it initially or in the course of the project. Agile requiÂreÂments management enables added value to be harnessed quickly and value-based prioriÂtization to be performed.
Clean Code and Clean ArchiÂtecture
ExtenÂsiÂbility and maintainaÂbility are important qualities of software. These can be ensured by adhering to various principles and are the cornerÂstone of agile development projects.
Custom Development
If the SAP standard does not completely cover your requiÂreÂments or you would like to map new processes using your SAP systems? Contact us! We will be happy to support you from requiÂreÂments management to operation of the solution built for you.
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