SAP Business Warehouse
The heart of reporting in any SAP-centric system landscape.
Reliable data from a wide variety of sources can be provided with SAP BW so that business decisions can be made on a solid basis. SAP BW provides a compreÂhensive view of the entire company data — regardless of whether SAP or non-SAP sources.
For visuaÂlization, numerous tools can be used — both SAP tools and third-party tools. These can be used to create attractive dashboards, pixel-perfect reports for printing, or Excel-based analyses.
By means of ABAP, SQL and UI5 an almost unlimited extenÂsiÂbility for own solutions, calcuÂlaÂtions and user interÂfaces is available. Via APIs and web services, extenÂsions can also be made in Java or C#.
Resource Management
Using process chains, the loading of SAP BW can be controlled and monitored granuÂlarly. This enables both data up-to-dateness and the conserÂvation of source system resources.
Virtual modelling
SAP BW offers possiÂbiÂlities for virtual modeling up to the most extensive renunÂciation of persisÂtence. With HANA, this is possible at high speed even with mass data and more complex logics, including real-time reporting.
Standard interÂfaces
SAP BW can be connected to SAP systems (e.g. via RFC, ODP or HANA) and also non-SAP systems (e.g. via DBConnect or ODATA). Both background processing and real-time use are possible.
Cloud Integration
Whether it is the connection of cloud source systems or cloud-based reporting with SAC, SAP BW supports these scenarios. In addition, with the DataWareÂhouse Cloud, SAP BW can also be suppleÂmented with a cloud solution for more agile reporting (e.g., self-service BI).
Any Frontends
SAP BW offers the possiÂbility to connect different frontends and to use them for reports and analyses. These can be SAP frontends such as Analysis for Office or SAP Analytics Cloud, but also 3rd party tools such as Tableau.
IntroÂduction, migration of existing systems or operation and maintenance — we support you in all topics around SAP BW. In doing so, we help you to determine and implement the requiÂreÂments speciÂfiÂcally for a project or more generally for the system or the company.
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