cobicon Services
Whether it is the adaptÂation of existing appliÂcaÂtions or the impleÂmenÂtation of new appliÂcaÂtions.
We support you with your questions regarding your SAP landscape both in a consulting and impleÂmenting capacity.
there’s no I
in cobcon
Work hard. Play hard.
Felix Siljaew & Bernd Herz
Managing Directors
Our consulÂtants support you not only in analysis and conception, but also in impleÂmenÂtation.
We are characÂteÂrised by the fact that all our consulÂtants are techniÂcally experiÂenced and have a hands-on mentality.
NevertÂheless, we do not lose sight of the processes and also underÂstand what is going on in terms of content.
the next
CustoÂmised software enhanceÂments and new develoÂpÂments
cobicon Insights
Profit from our experience and insights with customers from a wide variety of indusÂtries and use our insights for your own SAP world.