ABAP for career changers: How to get started with SAP programming

What is ABAP?

ABAP, the abbre­viation for “Advanced Business Appli­cation Programming”, is SAP’s proprietary programming language. It was intro­duced in 1990 together with SAP R/3 and has been the standard programming language for SAP modules ever since. ABAP was developed speci­fi­cally for mass data processing in commercial appli­ca­tions and therefore differs signi­fi­cantly from other programming languages. The syntax is partly similar to COBOL, but differs from common languages ​​such as Java or Python.

Why ABAP knowledge is also valuable for non-computer scien­tists

ABAP also opens up exciting career oppor­tu­nities in software development for career changers and non-computer scien­tists. As a language speci­fi­cally designed for business appli­ca­tions, ABAP offers a good entry point for people with a business background. Despite its complexity, ABAP can be learned even by beginner programmers with the necessary patience and practice.

Overview of the most important ABAP concepts for beginners

A few basic concepts are parti­cu­larly important when getting started with ABAP. This includes under­standing database tables, working with the ABAP Dictionary and the basics of object orien­tation through ABAP Objects. How to use SAP-specific development tools such as the ABAP Workbench should also be learned early on. An important aspect is also the under­standing of the business processes that are mapped with ABAP — this is where career changers with business adminis­tration knowledge can score points.

Tips for self-study and recom­mended learning resources

Various resources are available for self-study. SAP provides extensive online documen­tation and tutorials. There are also numerous books and online courses that are speci­fi­cally tailored to ABAP beginners. Practical exercises and small projects in which you can directly apply what you have learned are parti­cu­larly valuable. Many beginners also benefit from exchanges in online forums and local SAP user groups.

Career oppor­tu­nities and salary prospects for ABAP developers

Career oppor­tu­nities for ABAP developers are very good due to the widespread use of SAP systems. Many companies are desperately looking for qualified ABAP developers to adapt their SAP systems to individual requi­re­ments. Career changers can often score points here with their combi­nation of technical under­standing and industry knowledge. The salary prospects are also attractive, with experi­enced ABAP developers often able to achieve above-average compen­sation.

Conclusion and outlook

For a successful start as an ABAP career changer, it is important to continue your training and stay on the ball. The SAP world is constantly evolving, new techno­logies such as SAP HANA and cloud solutions always require new knowledge. At the same time, ABAP development offers the oppor­tunity to work creatively on solving complex business problems. With perse­verance, curiosity and a willingness to learn lifelong, career changers in ABAP development can find a fulfilling and future-proof career.