Intro­duction to SAP® BW/4HANA®

In today’s digital world, where data forms the basis for decision-making, it is crucial that companies have access to fast and efficient business intel­li­gence tools. One such platform is BW/4HANA. BW/4HANA is a powerful business intel­li­gence platform from SAP based on HANA’s in-memory technology. It is an evolution of BW on HANA and offers companies faster data processing and analysis. By lever­aging in-memory technology, BW/4HANA enables companies to process large amounts of data in real time. This allows decisions to be made faster, which can lead to a compe­titive advantage. The platform also offers an improved user interface and simplified data modeling. This makes it easier for users to access and analyze their data. Another important feature of BW/4HANA is the ability to support multiple data sources and conso­lidate them into a single platform. In this way, companies can obtain a compre­hensive picture of their business processes. In addition, BW/4HANA has advanced data analytics capabi­lities, including machine learning and predictive analytics. These features help companies predict trends and better under­stand future develo­p­ments. Overall, BW/4HANA provides companies with a powerful business intel­li­gence tool that helps them make informed decisions and optimize their business processes. In this blog, we’ll take a more in-depth look at BW/4HANA, what it is, how it works, and the benefits it offers businesses.

SAP BW/HANA vs. other SAP products: An overview

When it comes to enter­prise data processing and analytics, there are a variety of SAP products to choose from. In this article, we take a look at some of the most important options and compare them with the well-known data warehouse system SAP BW/4HANA.

What is SAP HANA?

SAP HANA is an in-memory database speci­fi­cally designed for fast data processing and real-time analytics. It offers faster perfor­mance than tradi­tional database systems because it holds all data in memory. This means that queries can be executed faster and companies can access their data in real time.

What is SAP Business Warehouse (BW)?

SAP BW is a data warehouse system designed speci­fi­cally for analyzing enter­prise data. It enables companies to collect and analyze large amounts of data from various sources. With SAP BW, users can create reports, build dashboards and perform complex analyses.

What is SAP Analytics Cloud?

SAP Analytics Cloud is a cloud-based platform that offers a compre­hensive range of analytics capabi­lities. With this solution, companies can visualize and analyze their data and make forecasts and decisions. The platform integrates seamlessly with other SAP solutions such as SAP HANA and SAP BW.

What is SAP Data Intel­li­gence?

SAP Data Intel­li­gence is a machine learning and AI platform that enables companies to use their data more effec­tively. The platform offers a variety of tools and features that enable users to collect, cleanse, and analyze data. With SAP Data Intel­li­gence, companies can also create and implement machine learning models.

What is SAP DataSphere (formerly SAP Data Warehouse Cloud)?

SAP DataSphere is a cloud-based platform that enables companies to store and manage their data in a centra­lized environment. The platform offers a variety of tools and functions for integrating data from different sources and for analyzing and visua­lizing data.

Compa­rison with SAP BW/4HANA

Compared to the other SAP products, SAP BW/4HANA offers several advan­tages. For one thing, it was developed speci­fi­cally for analyzing enter­prise data and therefore offers a broader range of analy­tical functions than other products such as SAP HANA In addition, it can be seamlessly integrated with other SAP solutions. Another advantage of SAP BW/4HANA is its ability to process large volumes of data. This makes it ideal for companies with large data sets or those that are growing rapidly. Finally, SAP BW/4HANA also offers advanced features such as predictive analytics and machine learning. These features can help companies make better decisions and gain valuable insights from their data.

Advan­tages of BW/4HANA compared to other systems

Speed and perfor­mance

BW/4HANA is capable of processing large volumes of data in real time. Compared to other BW systems, it is signi­fi­cantly faster and more powerful. This is because BW/4HANA uses HANA’s in-memory technology. As a result, queries and analyses can be performed much faster.

Flexi­bility in data modeling

Another advantage of BW/4HANA is the greater flexi­bility in data modeling. With this system, companies can quickly adapt and optimize their data models to meet changing business requi­re­ments. The simplified archi­tecture of BW/4HANA enables easier integration with other SAP systems such as S/4HANA.

Efficient processing of data

Thanks to the use of HANA as a database, BW/4HANA can process data faster and more effici­ently than other systems. This leads not only to higher perfor­mance, but also to better scala­bility of the system.

Simplified integration with other SAP systems

Another advantage of BW/4HANA is its easy integration with other SAP systems. Companies can use it to seamlessly exchange their data between different systems and thus ensure a uniform data flow.


SAP BW/4HANA offers companies a powerful solution for processing large volumes of data in real time. The system uses HANA’s in-memory technology to perform queries and analyses faster. It also enables greater flexi­bility in data modeling and easier integration with other SAP systems.

Diffe­rence between SAP BW/4HANA and SAP BW on HANA

While SAP BW on HANA merely migrates the existing BW system to the HANA database, SAP BW/4HANA is a completely new system. While the maintenance for SAP BW or SAP BW on HANA expires in 2027, SAP BW/4HANA has a maintenance commitment until at least 2040.

Diffe­rence between S/4HANA and BW/4HANA

SAP S/4HANA is an ERP system, while SAP BW/4HANA is a data warehouse system. While S/4HANA is used for business processes such as financial accounting or materials management, BW/4HANA is used to analyze large volumes of data. However, both systems can be seamlessly integrated with each other to provide a holistic overview of all business processes. Overall, SAP BW/4HANA offers companies numerous advan­tages over other systems. The fast and efficient processing of data, greater flexi­bility in data modeling, and easy integration with other SAP systems enable companies to optimize their business processes and become more compe­titive.

Conversion to BW/4HANA: Tips and tricks for a successful migration

When it comes to migrating to BW/4HANA, thorough planning and prepa­ration is key to success. In this article, we will share some tips and tricks that can help you perform a successful migration.

Planning and prepa­ration

Careful planning and prepa­ration are crucial for a successful migration to BW/4HANA. Before you start the migration, make sure that all necessary resources are available. This includes not only hardware and software resources, but also employees with the necessary skills and knowledge. It is also important to under­stand what impact the migration will have on your business processes. Identify critical processes and ensure that they remain uninter­rupted during the migration.

Data cleansing

Before migration, all data should be cleaned. This means that unnecessary or obsolete data should be removed to improve data quality. Good data cleansing can help speed up the migration process and reduce the risk of errors. It is also important to ensure that your data is complete. Carefully review your data sources and ensure that all required infor­mation is present.

DataSource compa­ti­bility

Check whether the DataSources you are using are still compa­tible and whether all source systems support ODP. Especially in the case of simul­ta­neous conver­sions of the source system to S/4HANA, individual DataSources are no longer supported at all.


Perform compre­hensive testing to ensure that all functions and processes work properly after migration. Test not only the technical aspects, but also the business processes to ensure that every­thing runs as expected.


Make sure all employees are aware of the changes and receive training to become familiar with the new system. Good training can help make the transition smoother and reduce the risk of errors. Also consider different learning styles and needs of your employees. Some may need more time or support than others.


Successful migration requires close colla­bo­ration between the IT department, business depart­ments and external consul­tants. Ensure that all stake­holders work closely together and commu­nicate regularly. It is also important to ensure that all parties are informed about their respon­si­bi­lities and expec­ta­tions. Clarify any questions or ambiguities early on.

Backup and restore

Back up your data regularly and ensure that a recovery plan is in place. This can help minimize data loss in the event of a problem during migration. Make sure your backups are tested regularly to ensure they are working properly. Also, regularly review your recovery plans and update them as needed.

Success factors for a successful imple­men­tation of BW/4HANA

Migrating from Business Warehouse to BW/4HANA can be challenging, but with the right success factors, it can be done successfully. Here are some important points to consider when imple­menting BW/4HANA:

Clear objective and planning of the migration from Business Warehouse to BW/4HANA

Clear goal setting and planning is key to the successful imple­men­tation of BW/4HANA. It is important to know which function­a­lities are needed and which are not. A thorough analysis of the existing system should be performed to ensure that all necessary requi­re­ments are met. Another important factor when planning a migration is to create a detailed schedule. It is important to set a realistic timeframe and ensure that suffi­cient resources are available to complete the project.

Provide suffi­cient resources and budget for the imple­men­tation of BW/4HANA

Another important factor in the intro­duction of BW/4HANA is the provision of suffi­cient resources and budgets. Migration to a new technology usually requires more effort than expected. It is important to ensure that enough employees are available and that the budget is suffi­cient. In addition, external consul­tants should also be involved to ensure that the project runs smoothly. External consul­tants can contribute valuable experience and knowledge that can be helpful during the migration to BW/4HANA.

Education and training of employees for the use of the new technology

Successful imple­men­tation of BW/4HANA also requires extensive training and education of employees. It is important to ensure that all employees have the necessary knowledge and skills to deal with the new technology. This can be achieved through training sessions and workshops that teach employees how to use the new platform effec­tively. Perfor­mance monitoring training should also be provided so that employees are able to quickly identify and correct any potential problems.

Conti­nuous monitoring and optimization of BW/4HANA perfor­mance

Finally, it is important to ensure that conti­nuous monitoring and optimization of BW/4HANA perfor­mance is performed. This can be achieved through regular audits as well as collecting feedback from users. It is also important to ensure that all updates and patches are installed in a timely manner to ensure that the system is always up to date. In addition, regular backups should also be created to prevent data loss in the event of a system failure.

Data modeling with BW/4HANA: How does it work?

Data modeling is an important step in creating a data warehouse. With BW/4HANA, companies can optimize their data models and improve the perfor­mance of their data warehouse. But how exactly does data modeling work with BW/4HANA? In this article, we will look at the most important aspects of data modeling in BW/4HANA.

The Data Flow Modeler

A central tool for data modeling in BW/4HANA is the Data Flow Modeler. This tool makes it possible to perform complex data trans­for­ma­tions and ensure flexible processing of large data volumes. The Data Flow Modeler consists of various elements such as sources, targets, trans­for­ma­tions and routines. Sources are the source table or InfoPro­vider from which the data is extracted. Targets, on the other hand, are the tables or InfoPro­viders in which the trans­formed data is stored. The trans­for­ma­tions define how the data is to be trans­formed from the source to the target. Routines are special functions that can be used to transform more complex logics.

Flexi­bility and efficiency

Die Daten­mo­del­lierung in BW/4HANA ermög­licht eine flexible und effiziente Verar­beitung großer Daten­mengen. Durch den Einsatz von In-Memory-Techno­logie kann auf große Daten­vo­lumina schnell zugegriffen werden. Zudem bietet das System verschiedene Optimie­rungs­me­cha­nismen wie Parti­tio­nie­rungen an. Ein weiterer Vorteil von BW/4HANA ist die Möglichkeit, das Daten­modell konti­nu­ierlich an sich ändernde Geschäfts­an­for­de­rungen anzupassen. Dies ermög­licht es Unter­nehmen, schnell auf neue Anfor­de­rungen zu reagieren und ihre Daten­mo­delle entspre­chend zu optimieren.

InfoOb­jects in SAP BW/4HANA

InfoOb­jects are an important part of data modeling in SAP BW/4HANA. They are used to define and manage the different types of infor­mation in the system. This includes, for example, key figures, dimen­sions or attri­butes. InfoOb­jects are organized in a tree structure to create a clear hierarchy and relati­onships between the different objects. Each InfoObject has certain properties, such as data type or aggre­gation behavior.

Frequently asked questions

What is the diffe­rence between bw/4hana Business Content and s/4hana Embedded Analytics?

BW/4HANA Business Content is a collection of prede­fined data models and reports for different indus­tries and business areas. It offers rapid imple­men­tation of data warehouses with precon­fi­gured content. S/4HANA Embedded Analytics, on the other hand, integrates analy­tical functions directly into the S/4HANA ERP system. It provides real-time analytics and reporting directly from the opera­tional system.

How do I open the BW/4HANA Cockpit?

The BW/4HANA Cockpit can be opened via the SAP Launchpad. To do this, you must first log in to the Launchpad and then search for the corre­sponding tile.

What are the charac­te­ristics of InfoOb­jects in SAP BW/4HANA?

InfoOb­jects have certain properties such as data type, length restriction or aggre­gation behavior. They can also be organized hierar­chi­cally to create a clear structure and relati­onships between the different objects.

Reporting with BW/4HANA: Overview of possi­bi­lities and limita­tions

An intro­duction

BW/4HANA is a powerful database that helps companies store and process large amounts of data. Reporting with BW/4HANA offers many possi­bi­lities to gain insights from the stored data. But what about the limits of reporting?

Reporting possi­bi­lities with BW/4HANA

Reporting with BW/4HANA offers companies many ways to gain insights from their data. For example, they can quickly access important infor­mation using dashboards and reports. Processing large amounts of data is also no problem thanks to BW/4HANA’s fast processing. Another advantage of reporting with BW/4HANA is the ability to integrate different data sources. For example, companies can merge data from different depart­ments or systems to obtain a holistic picture.

Limits of reporting with BW/4HANA

Despite the many possi­bi­lities, there are also limits to reporting with BW/4HANA. For one thing, it can be difficult to perform complex analyses, as this often requires special know-how. In addition, reporting can be expensive in some cases — especially if special tools or experts are required. There can also be diffi­culties in integrating different data sources. Here, companies need to ensure that the different sources are compa­tible and that they have suffi­cient resources to process the data effec­tively.

Best Practices for Reporting with BW/4HANA

To realize the full potential of reporting with BW/4HANA, companies should follow some best practices. For example, they should ensure that their data sources are compa­tible and that they have suffi­cient resources to handle the processing of large volumes of data. In addition, companies should ensure that their employees have the necessary expertise to perform complex analyses. The use of dashboards and reports can also help to make important infor­mation quickly acces­sible.

Future prospects for BW/4HANA in the context of digitization

Die Zukunfts­aus­sichten von BW/4HANA sind vielver­spre­chend im Kontext der fortschrei­tenden Digita­li­sierung. Im Vergleich zu anderen SAP-Produkten bietet BW/4HANA zahlreiche Vorteile, wie beispiels­weise eine schnellere Daten­ver­ar­beitung und eine verbes­serte Daten­mo­del­lierung. Die Umstellung auf BW/4HANA erfordert jedoch einige Tipps und Tricks für eine erfolg­reiche Migration. Erfolgs­fak­toren für die Einführung von BW/4HANA sind unter anderem ein klares Verständnis der Geschäfts­an­for­de­rungen sowie ein erfah­renes Team zur Unter­stützung bei der Imple­men­tierung. Es ist auch wichtig, die Möglich­keiten und Grenzen des Reportings mit BW/4HANA zu verstehen. Bei der Daten­mo­del­lierung mit BW/4HANA sollten Unter­nehmen darauf achten, dass sie die richtige Balance zwischen Flexi­bi­lität und Effizienz finden. Es gibt verschiedene Ansätze zur Model­lierung, je nach den Anfor­de­rungen des Unter­nehmens. Zusam­men­fassend bietet BW/4HANA zahlreiche Vorteile im Vergleich zu anderen Systemen. Eine erfolg­reiche Einführung erfordert jedoch sorgfältige Planung und Umsetzung. Unter­nehmen sollten sich darüber im Klaren sein, dass die Umstellung auf BW/4HANA ein langfris­tiger Prozess ist. Wir empfehlen Ihnen daher, sich umfassend über die Möglich­keiten von BW/4HANA zu infor­mieren und eine profes­sio­nelle Beratung in Anspruch zu nehmen. Mit einer guten Planung und einem erfah­renen Team können Sie sicher­stellen, dass Ihre Einführung von BW/4HANA ein Erfolg wird und Sie von den Vorteilen dieses Systems profi­tieren können.

Get off to a successful start with SAP BW/4HANA! Cobicon offers compre­hensive SAP consulting, from imple­men­tation and migration to maintenance and optimization, to take your data analysis to the next level.